Adding Guest Members:

Adding Guest Members:

This section provides a how to article on how to add a new channel for company users.

To find out more about our VL Unified Communication Platform click here.

To add guest member, enter her email address in the input box above the list of company contacts in the create new channel view.

Information for guest members

  • The Virtual Landlines system will send an email with a link to the channel.

  • Each link is unique per email address and cannot be shared. It allows the guest member to come back to the channel and any moment and always be recognised as the same guest member.

  • Clicking the link will open the channel view in guest mode. It is the same view as for company users with the difference that all other company menus are not available. Only the channel, the list of members and all channel functions are available.

  • The guest member can receive notifications same way as regular user


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