VL Talk Windows Installation Guide

VL Talk Windows Installation Guide

This article will help you configure your VL Talk Windows application.

Download the app using the following link:

  1. Install and open the app (When this screen appears click on “More Info” and then choose “Run anyway


  2. When finished installing you will see this screen, please choose “Use Sip Account


  3. Here you will be prompted to fill in your account details as provided by VL Telecom and then choose “USE


  4. If everything was filled in correctly you will se a little green circle at the top left that indicates the account is registered and ready to use


  5. To make calls simply put in the number or extension you are trying to call by typing it into the field shown(1). To add them as a contact choose “Add Contact” as shown in the field(2) .To make the call click on the call button as shown in the field(3).


  6. When on the call there is many different options: Press Option 1 to Transfer, Hold or End the call. Press Option 2 to Mute your microphone. Press Option 3 to put the call on Loud Speaker. Press Option 4 to change your Speaker Output or Microphone input. Press Option 5 to put the call on Hold. Press Option 6 to End the call.


  7. If Option 5 was clicked the following screen will appear where you will be able to change your Microphone Input and Speaker Output.


  8. When receiving a call the following pop-up will appear, Press Option 1 to Accept the call or Option 2 to Drop the call