In the Virtual Landlines service, email addresses are the users’ logins. The email given when creating a company account will become the admin user.

The admin has access to additional functions which are grouped under the Settings menu.

The number includes the admin account and accounts for your colleagues.

When you log in for the first time as the admin account your first task should be to create accounts for your colleagues.

To do so enough is to put their email addresses in the form on the initial screen. The platform will send each user a welcome email with login details.


Create a step-by-step guide:

Navigate to Settings:

Click on Users:

Complete the details below:

You can select 'Show More Options' should you wish to complete more details for the users you would like to create.

Click on Create User.

A message will be displayed confirming the login details created for the user. An email will also be sent to the user’s email address with login information.

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