The Administrator interface provides the Admin user with the ability to import a list of users from a CSV file. This is a useful option if you have a large list of users that you need to create and would like to add them all in a single go.


Create a step-by-step guide:

Navigate to Settings:

Click on Users and select Import:

The below popup should be displayed:

You can download a sample file by clicking on the download icon.

Complete the excel file and save the file as a .csv extension.

Important: Some versions of excel save this file with a ; delimiter value. This should be a , (comma) delimiter value. To verify that this is not the case, you can open the .csv file in a text editor to confirm that the delimiter value is a , (comma).

Click on the '+' icon and Upload the file:

A verification screen will be displayed to confirm the data you are about to import:

Click on the 'Add Users' button to complete the process.

The imported users will now be available on the Users menu option.

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